Carrie Nixon’s Post

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#DigitalHealth and #HealthcareInnovation Attorney & Managing Partner, Nixon Gwilt Law. Special Advisor, Empactful Capital. Expertise in #RemoteMonitoring, #VirtualCare, #FemTech, #DigitalTherapeutics

A few key takeaways from Day 1 of #vive2024. * AI has a significant role to play in Orthopedic innovation, especially as it relates to #painmanagement. Michael Suk, MD, JD, MPH, MBA, FACS, FACHE, the incoming Board Chair of the American Medical Association, says we may be at an "Event Horizon" in the space, with new modalities in pain management, including Remote Therapeutic Monitoring and Distraction Therapy leading us towards a pain-free post-surgical experience for patients. I was fascinated by Deb Dullen's Pain Trace platform providing personalized pain management. * We've all learned that Value-Based Care is a long-term play that takes time...a LOT of time...and requires strong relationships among trusted partners. The success of VBC models varies significantly by geography and the ability to reduce fragmentation. Every solution introduced in the space must focus on creating a unified experience for patients and providers. Amar A. Desai, MD, MPH Lori Morgan, MD, MBA * Micky Tripathi of #ONC and Troy Tazbaz of #FDA agree that developing policy around #healthcareinnovation must happen through the lens of how an innovation will be implemented in the healthcare industry. They argue that appropriate guardrails can actually spur innovation, creating "innovation within parameters." The advent of #generativeai has created a paradigm shift within FDA, where the focus is not just on a product, but on the process. ONC is focused on increased transparency, especially around innovations involving Clinical Decision Support. * The best partnerships in healthcare follow the mantra of "Fail Fast" and learn to pivot quickly. Accelerate the things that are working, and get rid of the things that aren't entirely. More to come!

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Scott Cassidy

VP of Sales and Business Development @ BioTraceIT | Sales | Strategic Planning | Contract Negotiations | Business Development | Partnerships | Mergers and Acquisitions | Team Builder | Project Leader


Personalized medicine with Pain Trace one step closer to becoming a part of pain management regimines.

Scott Hozebin M.B.A

Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) | Expert in bringing transformational products to market


Agreed and great show so far.

Deb Dullen

personal wearables | health equity | actionable data | innovation for impact | President/CEO at BioTraceIT Corporation


Thank you Carrie Nixon for mentioning our panel. Each speaker truly seeks to apply technology to address individual care. As Mike said, we are at an “event horizon”. Happy to chat about #PainTrace BioTraceIT Michael Suk, MD, JD, MPH, MBA, FACS, FACHE Kyle Richardson and Deb Dullen

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